Jersey’s bed blocking challenges have resurfaced

Concerns surrounding Jersey’s bed blocking challenges have resurfaced after it emerged that islanders are still facing delays leaving hospital due to shortage of carers in the community.

‘Bed blocking’ is the term used for when medically fit patients remain in hospital beds due to a shortage of suitable care elsewhere.

“This impacts our ability to discharge patients”

Emily Hoban, Head of Access for Health and Community Services, told Express that last week the hospital had 32 patients who no longer needed to be there but were unable to leave.

She explained that this was “particularly due to a lack of available nursing home beds, specialist care and availability of care packages in the community”.

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Pictured: The hospital last week had 32 patients who no longer needed to be there but couldn’t leave, driven by a lack of care availability in the community.

Ms Hoban said: “Planning for a patient’s discharge begins as soon as they are admitted to hospital, with assessments undertaken to ensure that the right arrangements are in place for when they are medically fit to leave.”

She added: “Significant recruitment pressures facing the nursing and care sectors in Jersey and globally has resulted in a reduction in the availability of nursing home beds and some delays in obtaining packages of care in the island.

“This impacts our ability to discharge patients in a timely way.”

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